Income solutions provider...
We provide solutions for real estate agents to increase their revenue domestically and internationally through courses and coaching programs.

Who is
Coach Shana?
Shana is the broker and owner of Paradigm Realty in Georgia and South Carolina.
Over the past 10 years, Home Buyer Seminars helped her close 75+ total transactions per year!
Going on 21 years in the business, Shana specializes in first time homebuyers. “I have a heart to educate first time home-buyers who know little to nothing when it comes to purchasing their first home. It is my duty to be that mentor and agent they need to make the process of buying their first home smoother,” says Shana.
She has now expanded her real estate reach to the Dominican Republic helping agents and buyers see beyond their stateside dreams. Her team has reached 100 agents and she personally have sold 30+ properties in less than a year.
Our Three Pathways:
Achiever Real Estate Program, Mastering Successful Home Buyer Events & International Sales Specialist Coaching Program
These pathways are for learning how to grow your buyer pipeline whether your interests are
stateside or international!
You will learn how to set up, market, and and grow your database in order to build
a sustainable business!
These pathways are filled with the resources to position you to:
Attract your ideal clients
Activate the know, like, and trust factor to convert prospects into profits
Build a database of real estate clients with built-in referrals
Build your real estate brand faster
You will also walk away with the knowledge and tools to help your clients:
Gain an in-depth understanding of the home buying process (USA or Dominican Republic)
Obtain tools to make smarter decisions to help them achieve their financial and home buying goals
Develop confidence in you as their future agent
Welcome to the ultimate way to jumpstart your database!
Which pathway is best for you?
Are you ready to
elevate your business?

Ashley Nicole Answer
LaShana Smith Middleton is my agent! Love her she is the truth. If you really are wanting a realtor that will care and will not settle for no then inbox her today.
Get it done make it happen!
Love you to pieces Shana

Keisha Lacewell
I want to thank LaShana Smith Middleton and her fabulous team for enlightening me and my husband for this journey we are about to go on! We are ready for the Paradigm Shift home buying process!!!
#NoFear #Trustingtheprocess

Monica McLeary
What a wonderful night. Just got back from home buying and business seminar...it was GREAT! Good info...I know now what to have and expect when buying a home.
And I'm getting into the business...#Abouthismoney